All of our events have their own unique atmosphere and feel; the California event is vibrant and interactive, with Global leaders coming together to understand and discuss Partner strategy. 

The analyst keynote reveals future trends and kicks off the discussions. The roundtable discussions dig deeper into key challenges and the vendor presentations share their own best practices and common pitfalls.

We also share our own CMU research that pulls from a global CMU audience of vendor delegates, giving you an insight into how you compare across key channel activities. 

Vendor Keynote

We are excited to announce that Jennifer Judy, Senior Director, Global Channel Sales Enablement, for HP will be joining us to share her experience, ideas and insights. Listen and learn from the best in the industry and don't forget to bring your questions as you will have the opportunity to question Jennifer. 

Analyst Keynote

We are privileged to welcome back Kathy Contreras, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester, who will be sharing some of the key trends revealed by their annual survey. The theme of the day is "Driving Partner Sourced Demand" and so Kathy will be looking at trends to provide insights and to interpret how you can leverage their data to drive partner sourced demand. 


Facilitated by industry experts, the roundtable discussions are a key feature of the day as they give everyone the opportunity to ask questions and learn from each other. Invariably you will learn that you are not alone, and others have similar challenges, and some of your peers may have solved that challenge and share advice. 


The Channel Meet Up (CMU) conduct detailed research, involving, amongst others, our own CMU delegates.  This provides us with some interesting and insightful analysis of how channel leaders are driving their channel strategies and executing on partner marketing programs. We share this research so you can see how you compare to your peers and when you participate you receive a personalized report. Our research captures state of the channel 2024 and provides valuable insight on priorities. 

Q & A Panel

We have our own list of questions, but bring your own and ask the experts.

We will be asking:

In an ecosystem model, how do you track attribution? Has anyone truly managed to track the ROI of MDF? How can the maintenance and renewals team drive partner-sourced demand? 

A Roundtable Discussion at the Channel Meetup Event

Theme for the day: Driving Partner Sourced Demand

The Channel Meet Up agenda provides a mix of learning experiences for delegates all based on a relevant theme, which for 2024 is "Driving Partner Sourced Demand."

This is a tricky challenge that was highlighted by our delegates as an area where they need help. So we are tackling this with an in depth look at how to drive, track and report on demand, including sharing some of the innovations in customer marketing and discussing how we can enable our partners better, and bring demand best practice into partner marketing.

Partner marketing needs to drive revenue, and with an increased emphasis placed on attribution, we need to build programs that deliver results. 

CMU 2024 intends to unpick these challenges head on. 

Table Topics 

Table discussions are facilitated by Industry Experts and everyone has the opportunity to join two tables during the day.  Topics and challenges under the microscope include:

Content, Personalization, Concierge, Marketing Automation, Incentives and Ecosystems - all with the lens of how to Drive Partner-Sourced demand.

  • Are your partners ready for a concierge program?
  • How to manage, measure and Incentivize partners
  • How to use Marketing Automation to drive and track demand
  • What new buyer behavior is driving a new content strategy? 
  • In an ecosystem how do you track attribution?
  • How can personalization make a difference in partner marketing?
Table discussion

Agenda for the day

The live events follow a proven agenda which gives everyone the opportunity to hear keynote presentations, learn from analysts, as well as contribute and take part in debates and discussions.

The theme for the day is Driving Partner Sourced Demand.

This is a tricky challenge that was highlighted by our delegates as an area where they need help. 

Delegates in 2024 will also receive a private invitation to join The Channel Meet Up Online, an interactive forum, where further discussions can develop, resources and content can be accessed, and advice can be sought.  This is so much more than a Slack Channel.  

Pay one delegate fee to join the in-person event, plus access all the content from the day and receive your complimentary invitation to Channel Meet Up Online. 

Coffee and Pastries
Welcome and introduction to the Sponsors

The State of B2B Partner Ecosystems

Analyst Keynote with Kathy Contreras, VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester

Roundtable discussions

Pivoting Brand Approach to enable Partners to Customise Content With Ease

Keynote with Nisha Menezes, Principal Global Channel Marketing - Campaigns and Programs, Atlassian
Panel Debate with Q&A 

Top challenges facing partner-sourced demand and how to overcome them.

Lunch & Networking

Partner Sourced Demand – Overcoming Blockers To Enable Partner Profitability

Fireside chat with Jennifer Judy, Senior Director, Global Channel Sales Enablement for HP inc & Sophy Gray, Managing Director, 7Demand 

Roundtable discussions
Presentation of Key CMU Research Findings
Table Discussion Key Findings
Networking & Close

Thank you to our Sponsors


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Learn from industry experts, analysts and your peers to refine and improve your channel marketing strategy and tactics. Join once, and be part of both the LIVE events and the Channel Meet Up Online.

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Sponsors play an integral part in the success of The Channel Meet Up, facilitating table discussions and taking part in debates; putting you at the heart of the conversation.

Find out more about sponsor opportunities by completing the form or contacting us at: