Introducing the Channel Meet Up

The Channel Meet Up is a series of exclusive, in person events for channel professionals, supported by an online forum that keeps the conversation alive 365 days a year.

Join us to access unique and dedicated assets, network with peers, learn from collaborating with industry experts and access a library of practical resources.

The Channel Meet Up brings together an energetic and cooperative group of channel professionals, both in person and online.

We pick a theme each year, with the intention to leave the day with some insight, inspiration and practical tips, tricks and advice to take back to your day to day.  Some delegates call the events inspirational, others call it therapy!

In Person Events

These live events are a chance to meet and work with your peers; to learn best practice and to work through channel challenges. The mood is collaborative, to explore the issues of the day, so come ready to exchange ideas, take part in debates and hear expert opinions.


  • Thursday 3rd October
  • El Prado, Palo Alto, California


  • Spring 2025
  • TBC


  • Spring/Summer 2025
  • TBC

Our Theme for 2024: Driving Partner Sourced Demand

What innovative customer marketing trends can you apply to evolve your partner marketing to drive partner sourced demand?

We will be exploring how to track and attribute demand, how to use your PRM to drive behaviour, and how to use segmentation to create personalised marketing for your partners.

partner sourced demand

You are in good company

We attract delegates from start ups through to major enterprises.  Everyone who joins us is a contributor as well as a guest, as we explore tough channel challenges together and learn who is achieving results and why. We encourage a sense of collaboration and learning, with delegates sharing experience to leave with ideas and tactics, as well as analyst data that can help secure internal approval and executive sponsorship for innovative new programs.


Join the Channel Meet Up

Learn from industry experts, analysts and your peers to refine and improve your channel marketing strategy and tactics. Join once, and be part of both the live events and the Channel Meet Up Online.

What delegates have to stay

Sunny Song
Director Partner Operations
"Thank you for a wonderful event and taking on this effort so we can continue to meet like this. You and your team did a great job, it was a really valuable event that has a unique buzz".

Sentinel One

Hunter Haverty
Global Director of Channel Programs
"Still buzzing from The Channel Meet Up event - an incredible day of good conversation and insightful takeaways. Big thanks to The Channel Meet Up team for such a great event".


Amanda Fitzgerald
Global Channel Marketing Leader
"The CMU has given me confidence to 
argue what I know to be right for our 
partners. The CMU has helped me win my 
case with Renewed vigor and an extra 
spring in my step". 

Jerome Soufflot
EMEA Channel Programs Manager
"This was a very interesting day, full of useful data from respected analysts as well as insightful presentations. A very good experience and thoroughly enjoyable".



Nothing can replace meeting face-to-face with the energy in the room. Plus this year we extend our live events with CMU Online - a private forum to continue the discussions and access dedicated and unique resources. Learn 365 days a year by joining The CMU to meet your channel challenges today and tomorrow.

Talk Shop

Ask questions, pose problems and find out which trends are effecting others, and importantly, how they are meeting those challenges. Discover new technologies, strategies and tactics and learn how others are using these to their advantage. The mood is collaborative and helpful, everyone contributes.

Be Inspired

Analyst data can be very powerful when applying for funding or seeking executive approval for new initiatives. Borrow valuable, practical ideas that work. Creative plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, so learn from others and share your own best ideas to inspire others and take new ideas back to your team.

A big thank you to our sponsors

7demand sponsor logo
channel mechanics
mindmatrix colour
sharper colour

Contact Us

Do you have any questions or need more information about the event?  Fill out the contact form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Become a Sponsor

Sponsors play an integral part in the success of The Channel Meet Up, facilitating table discussions and taking part in debates; putting you at the heart of the conversation. Find out more about sponsor opportunities by completing the form or contacting us at: